10 Best Indoor Plants For Air Purification

There are several indoor pollutants that affect our health in various ways, and they can be found in most homes. Upholstery, building materials, furniture, and non-organic cleaning products are just a few sources of toxins such as formaldehyde, Volatile Organic Compounds (benzene and trichloroethylene or TCE), airborne biological pollutants, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, pesticides and disinfectants (phenols), and radon, however, NASA scientists have studied indoor plants and discovered 50 that remove these toxins from homes, office buildings, and enclosed public spaces.


In a study spanning two years, Dr. B.C. Wolverton, a NASA research scientist, studied the effects of different houseplants on indoor air quality with the help of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America. The results showed that plants sealed in a chamber with certain chemicals removed those chemicals from the air completely.


Here are the top 10 plants for purifying the air in your office or home, we’re sure you’ll recognize most of them!


1) The Areca Palm

The Areca Palm was found to remove the most toluene and xylene. Toluene is found in paint thinners, nail polish remover, correction fluid, and glue. Xylene is used as an industrial solvent

2) Spider Plants

These plants are easy to grow and are highly adaptable to any environment, making them the ideal choice for beginners. Spider plants also remove formaldehyde and xylene.

3) Dracaena

The Dracaena is a great plant for beginners as it is extremely easy to grow and maintain. They are the best plant for removing trichloroethylene from the air.  They have long, wide leaves that also remove benzene and xylene. 

4) Ficus

The Ficus can grow up to 10 feet tall, and it is a low maintenance plant that grows under bright, indirect sunlight. Excellent for removing benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde from the air.

5) Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is highly effective when it comes to cleaning the air. Peace lilies are easy to grow and prefer warm temperatures of the summer.

6) Boston Fern

Extremely effective at removing Formaldehyde from the air, Boston ferns are easy to grow, but they need a lot of moisture to survive. They are best grown in cool locations under indirect sunlight and high levels of humidity.

7) Snake Plant

These plants are highly resistant to pests and hard to kill. They are easy to maintain and require water every 2 to 6 weeks.  

8) Bamboo Palm

These plants are extremely effective at filtering formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. The Bamboo Palm requires bright, indirect sunlight.

9) Rubber Plant

The Rubber Plant is a common indoor plant and a favorite since the Victorian era. It is another excellent plant for removing formaldehyde and grows well in a dimly lit area, making it an easy plant to place anywhere in your home.

10) The Dwarf Date Palm

The Dwarf Date Palm will give you decades of air purification if you look after it properly. An excellent plant for removing xylene, the Dwarf Date Palm needs semi-sunlight and no cold drafts. Watch out though, the leaves are sharp and can cut your skin.